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During their free time some of the athletes decided to play frisbee golf, the only problem was that Tig didn’t know she was supposed to leave the frisbee where it lands, instead she kept getting the frisbee and bringing it back to the frisbee throwers.
How to Start a Fire
Some weeks back we were down in the amphitheater trying to start a fire with a bunch of wet wood. It had been raining for almost two weeks straight and everything was soaked. We tried and tried and even with gasoline we still couldn’t really get the fire going.
Rock climbers refer to the hike leading up to a climb as “the approach.” Ideally the approach is short- maybe only a few hundred feet – but it can also be several miles.
I worked at Lone Tree Ranch the summers of 2013-2015 as the videographer.
I’ve never known a place that has more impact on others than Lone Tree. It is holy ground and sacred to me. This place is a holy place where lives are changed!
It is hard to think of just one moment or one thing that I have gained from going to Lonetree over the last decade. The impact that Steve, Lisa, and the entire staff at Lonetree over the years have been a wonderful example of the love of God.
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Windpower Conference
Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa. More Details
Plant a Tree
Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa. More Details
Save a Life
Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa. More Details
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